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Azure portal is the single control panel to manage your all azure resources in Azure subscriptions based on access you have to each resources. This is online we portal where you can log in by giving your Azure account login credentials. If you have multiple logins, you can login with each login. There are basic things that you should know about Azure portal before go in detail with azure services. So this will help you to get in to Azure portal functions.
When you log into https://portal.azure.com it will load the home page for your default login of Azure.Home
Here you can create your own dashboard to see multiple resource statuses and metrics. Multiple dashboards also allowed to create in portal for your login.
All services
Here you can see all the services which are available in subscriptions you have access with logged in account. You can add services in to your favorites which is listed below the All Resources in left side of the screen.
Recently used resources are listed down here. You can see the resource when did accessed last time. Also the resource type.
All resources which are available in your all subscriptions under the logged in account are displayed here and you can search any resource, type, subscription by given filter on top of the resource list.
In Azure portal, when you select any resource and navigate other options inside the service functionalities, those will open with a new place holder called "Blade". When you close the Blade it will go back to previous option. Or you can scroll horizontal bar to see the previous Blades which is very convenient to operate. With in the same window you can see all.
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