Creating Azure Data Warehouse

In this post, I am going to tell you about "How to create Azure SQL Data Warehouse instance" . First of all you have to log in to Azure portal and you should have access to any subscription where you can create azure resources.
  • Click the "+ Create a resource" link on top left corner.
  • Type "SQL Data Warehouse" in search select box.
  • Select the service from the drop down pop up while you are typing
  • Click "Create" button
  • Provide following parameters for the required fields in the blade.

    • Subscription - Select subscription where you want to create ADW
    • Resource group - Under which group you want to create the ADW resource
    • Data warehouse name - name for the ADW instance. Here you will see the validation for the name
    • Server - If you select existing server to new ADW data base, it will display under the given server. Or you can create new server and create your ADW database under that
    • Performance level - Now you can see by default it is selected Gen2 and DW100c. But you can change as you want using the slicer and the hourly rate is also displayed in the "Configure performance" blade
    • Change ADW performance level
    • Create new SQL server
      • Server name - name for your Azure SQL server where you are going to create ADW database
      • Server admin login - this is similar to sa login which we create when SQL server installed in local. you can give any supported name here.
      • Password - password for given login above. You must remember this credential in order to login to ADW database server
      • Confirm Password - same as given above.
      • Location - the data center where do you want to create the server. There will be list of values dropped down based on availability for your subscription.
      • Make sure you tick the tick box given which allows you to connect to server from other Azure services.
  • Then go next step where you can select import sample data as data source and set the collation which you can keep as default.
  • Next step would be Tags which you can define for your ADW service and can be used for filtering and automation of the service.
  • Finally you can review what you have given to create your ADW service
  • Then click "Create" button or you can go to previous steps and change the settings. Once you click "Create" it will tale a little time to create and deploy your ADW service in Azure data center.
  • After a while, you can see the service in portal
